Vanguard® Expert Breaks Down What OEMs Need To Know About Battery Technology

Nick Moore, Director of Product Management — Electrification at Briggs & Stratton, was featured on the latest episode of OEM Off-Highway’s Industry Update podcast where he talked about the basics of battery technology, what original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) need to know about battery power and how Vanguard is meeting growing electrification needs with its diverse battery portfolio.

“When you’re comparing a battery to a battery they can be very, very different, which in the end is going to lead to a very different performance in the market,” Moore said. “It’s important to understand how different batteries you’re looking at compare and really understand what’s important to you and your piece of equipment.”

To learn more about Vanguard battery technology, including the company’s game-changing new product that’s hitting the market in July, listen to the full interview.

Click here to listen.